Cheapest, Most Reliable Bulk SMS Service Provider in Nigeria.
Payless Bulk SMS is a leading Service provider of Cheaper Bulk SMS in Nigeria. We provide the most robust text messaging system that is unmatched in the industry.
Our Cheapest Bulk SMS gateway delivers bulk messages to all GSM operators’ subscribers through their telephone numbers in Nigeria, including MTN, Airtel, Glo, and 9mobile. SMS delivery time is from 8:00am to 07:59pm, Monday to Sunday.
Cheapest Bulk SMS Service Provider In Nigeria
- Messaging can transform the way organizations communicate with members, customers and suppliers.
- Student groups can easily communicate important information or reminders quickly.
- Religious bodies can communicate more personally with its members and share spiritual thoughts daily.
Send Cheaper Bulk SMS to your Customers, Clients, Members, Friends, Family members, Business partners, as low as ₦0.87/units with your own Customize Sender ID. Register free Now. We guarantee the best and cheapest Bulk SMS solution in Nigeria.
Have you been having troubles scheduling SMS for future delivery? Now, your time has come! Schedule as many SMS as you want, sit back and relax and they will be delivered. Schedule Text Messages in Advance. Write Texts in Advance. Use our system to schedule and send your texts when needed. Schedule Repeat Messages. Set your texts to send hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Edit or Cancel Anytime. Cancel or edit your scheduled texts and campaigns anytime.